If you and your partner have decided you’re ready to start growing your family, you’re probably full of excitement and anticipation. And while it may seem like some couples get pregnant by merely discussing it, most couples need time and planning to conceive a child.

Getting pregnant is about a lot more than just having sex. Timing is key when it comes to conception, and it may take a few tries to get it right. In fact, your chances of conceiving are about 15-25% each month.

It may seem discouraging to hear that conceiving might not happen right away, so our team of women’s health specialists at The Women’s Center, with 11 locations  in and around Orlando, Florida, wants to offer some tips so you can be fully prepared for the process of getting pregnant.

Thinking About Getting Pregnant? 5 Tips to Prepare

1. Track your cycle (if you aren’t already)

Because getting pregnant is all about timing, you need to get really familiar with your menstrual cycle. Your cycle begins the day your period starts, and ovulation (the time when you’re most fertile) typically occurs about two weeks in.

Because everyone’s cycle varies in length, their window of fertility is a bit different as well. So, to know when you’re most fertile, start paying attention to all of your symptoms every single day. Notice things like changes in mood, sex drive, and cervical mucus. 

Once you’ve identified patterns, you can start to home in on those all-too-important fertile days. You can also use ovulation kits and take your basal body temperature to confirm when you’re ovulating.

2. Have frequent sex 

After you have a good understanding of your cycle, have sex frequently during that fertile window. You can have sex every day during that time period if you’d like; however, it’s not necessary. Sperm can live for five days in your body, so having sex every 2-3 days will be just as effective.

However, you don’t have to limit it to just having frequent sex during ovulation. In fact, studies say that having sex every few days during your whole cycle starting after your period is most effective for getting pregnant.

3. Follow these sex guidelines

There are lots of things you can do before, during, and right after sex to encourage conception. 


Make sure your partner doesn’t wear tight-fitting clothes, spend long periods in hot tubs, or keep his phone in his front pocket for too long, as these choices can affect sperm count and quality.  


Ensure that you’re using fertility-friendly lubricants during sex since some brands can be too acidic or contain ingredients that affect sperm. 

While many myths say the sex position you use can increase or decrease your chances, that’s not usually true. As long as you don't have sex standing up, gravity will do its job.


Right after sex, make sure you wait 10-15 minutes before standing up or using the bathroom to give sperm the chance to make its way up your cervix.

4. Make healthy lifestyle choices

You can increase your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy pregnancy if you follow these healthy lifestyle habits:

  • Take a prenatal vitamin
  • Eat a balanced diet of proteins, unsaturated fats, and complex carbs
  • Get moderate-intensity exercise regularly
  • Limit alcohol consumption
  • Quit smoking

In addition, reducing your stress levels can create a healthy body environment that’s conducive for conception. 

5. Set up a preconception appointment

Before you start trying to get pregnant, come in and see our team of trusted pregnancy specialists so we can review your medical history and make sure any existing medical conditions are properly addressed. 

In addition, we can suggest good-quality prenatal vitamins to make sure you’re getting enough folic acid — a mineral that’s vital for healthy fetal development.

To schedule a preconception appointment, contact our team by calling one of our Orlando-area offices or by using our online booking tool

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